336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
안녕하세요. 오늘은 쉬운 알바 하나를 알아보겠습니다.
아직은 완벽하게 어떻게 해야 어떻게 수익이 쌓인다! 라는게 없는 사이트 이긴 합니다만~
현재 회원가입을 다시 받기 시작하오니~ 지금 가입해보시는것도 나쁘지 않을것 같습니다.
가입 사이트 : http://petergo.thwglobal.com
홈페이지 메인 화면 입니다.
시간당 25달러를 벌수 있다고 합니다.
IV 등급은 "국제시청자" 등급입니다.
7월 4일날 정식오픈한다고 합니다.
시간당 25달러!! 일주일에 10시간!! 4주동안 본다면 한달에~ 1000불을 벌수 있는 거 같습니다.
가입시 많은 정보를 원하는것도 아닙니다.
단지, 영문이름, 이메일주소 만 있으면 됩니다.
저는 제가 주로 쓰는 이메일로 가입을 해보겠습니다.
불안하신분들은 메일주소를 하나씩 만들어서 해봐도 되겟죠?
네트워크 광고 특성상, 추천인제도로 도입되기때문에 많은 홍보를 할수록 유리하겠죠.
"Register Now"를 누릅니다.
홍보 링크를 타지않고, 그냥 가입신청을 누르면 에러가 뜹니다.
꼭 홍보를 통해서 접근하셔야만 가입이 가능해요.
외국사이트 임에도 불구하고 가입이 너무도 쉽습니다.
이제 메일로 가서 확인해볼까요?
링크를 클릭하여 확인합니다.
그럼 메일이 인증이 되업 가입이 처리가 됩니다.
시간이 지나면 아래와 같은 메일이 옵니다.
Hello ---------- (ID: 140235639),
YOUR NAME: --------------------- YOUR REFERRAL WEBSITE #1: peterGo.THWglobal.com YOUR REFERRAL WEBSITE #2: peterGo.TenHoursWeekly.com YOUR REFERRAL WEBSITE #3: peterGo.BetterThanYouTube.com YOUR USER NAME: PeterGo YOUR PASSWORD: ---------- YOUR SPONSOR: ---------- YOUR SPONSOR'S E-MAIL: ---------@gmail.com
------- Welcome to THW Global
We are excited that you have registered to be an International Viewer aka IV. Once we reach the minimum of 50,000 IVs which should be by July 4th, 2016 we will be rolling out the THW Global viewing model which will all take place in your THW Global back office. You will be able to view and comment from any computer or smart phone. The maximum viewing allowed will be a maximum of Ten Hour Weekly per IV. This is why the referral program is important for those of you who wish to make career type income from THW Global. We believe many of you will help us build a viewership team that could pay you thousands of dollars monthly and even weekly.
You can use any one of the 3 personal referral URLs provided above to share the THW Global opportunity with others. Your back office in real time will track everyone on your team up to 10 levels. You will also be able to see how many hours of viewing they have each completed. The longer you are with THW Global the simpler it gets to understand everything about the business plan.
THW Global is focus on a Global Outreach of IVs from all countries and all languages. Advertising is a $650 Billion Dollar Global Industry. We at THW Global believe we can acquire 1% of this industrywithin 3 years which would be $6.5 billion dollars of which more than $3 billion will be paid out to our IVs aka International Viewers. The THW Global pay plan is very easy to understand. It is built on just three dollar amounts $25, $5 & $1...
Pays up to $25 per hour with a maximum of Ten Hours Weekly or a maximum of $250 Weekly.
Pays up to a $5 over-ride management income any IV you personally refer who earns $25 for viewing content to a maximum of $50 per week per IV you personally referred. There are no limits to the amount of people you may personally refer to THW Global.
Pays up to a $1 over-ride management income any IV within your Ten Levels of Referrals who earns $25 for viewing content to a maximum of $10 per week per IV within your Ten Levels of Referrals. There are no limits to the amount of people you may have within your Ten Level of Referrals in THW Global.
Think about the possibilities. The power of just 2 by 10 levels = 1024 referrals x's up to $10 per week could pay a lot of money weekly. A 3 x 10 levels would be to much money to put into print.
THW Global can be your financial system to reach whatever financial goals you may have now or in the future. Many will be happy with a few hundred dollars monthly or weekly and others will want to earn a whole lot more. Whichever category you are in we are glad you chose THW Global.
Your sponsor and all of corporate is standing by to help you reach your goals.
Happy Viewing should start in less than 60 days! In the meantime the faster we reach 50,000 viewers the faster we will start viewing! So send out your personal website to everyone you know to help us reach them asap!
Best Regards, The THW Global Management Team
This is an automated message from THW Global, please do not reply.
간단한 소개가 옵니다. 여기 메일을 자세히보시면
추천인 링크가 들어있습니다.
" peterGo.THWglobal.com "
이게 바로 제 링크입니다.
다른분들도 이런식으로 추천받아 링크 만들고, 자기 링크를 다른분께 공유 하시면 되요~
7월 4일 정식 오픈이 되면, 적립방법이 공개가 될듯합니다.
그때 적립내용들 올리겠습니다.